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Love for All My Children Jesus (Volume 2)

Love for All My Children Jesus (Volume 2)

Love for All My Children Jesus (Volume 2)

248 pages - 15x23 cm - 2004
Article n° E4162 - poids 340 g
Editions Saint-Raphaël - ISBN 9782980757440
15.00 €
Love for All My Children Jesus (Volume 2)

God speaks through his instrument of love. He calls her the Girl of My Will in Jesus. God himself dictated these words.

She comes from a Catholic family. Her parents showed her my laws of love, which made her respectful of her fellow man. She married, had three children whom she raised with love. God of Love gave her graces that made her feel his Presence during Communion; she felt an inner warmth. She had dreams that caused her to awaken in tears. It was later that she received the explanations from God himself at the moment he had willed. This introduced her to her journey: the one of abandoning herself completely in the Divine Will. All was ready for her, this even before she was aware of it.

In 1998, Mary, your Mother, covers her with her maternal presence by manifesting this to her through the smell of roses and flowers from the garden of her Heart and this, on several occasions. A thirst for the knowledge of Jesus of Love makes her discover the Love of God the Father and of God the Holy Spirit. She allows herself to be pervaded by their Presence for when she prays, she experiences ecstasies of love. She finds herself in a state of such joy that she cannot explain it for it is so wonderful. Her entire being is in joy and, at the same time, she feels a joyful sadness that gives her a loving thirst to help Jesus crucified. She abandons herself in God s will. She learns to live in the Divine Will so that her entire being may offer fruits of love to Triune God. She lives in Jesus, she acts in Jesus, she learns to abandon herself in his Being.